Getting to know Poltair
Term Dates 2025/2026
Autumn Term – 1st September 2025 – 19th December 2025
Monday 1st September – Inset Day – students not required in school
Tuesday 2nd September - Inset Day - students not required in school
Wednesday 3rd September– Inset Day – students not required in school
Friday 17th October – Inset Day - students not required in school
Monday 20th October – Friday 31st October – Half Term Break
Friday 19th December – End of Term
Spring Term – 5th January 2026 – 2nd April 2026
Monday 5th January – Term Begins
Monday 16th February – Friday 20th February – Half Term Break
Thursday 2nd April – End of Term
Summer Term – 20th April 2026 – 24th July 2026
Monday 20th April – Term Begins
Monday 4th May – Early May Bank Holiday
Monday 25th May – Friday 29th May – Half Term Break
Friday 24th July – End of Term - Inset Day – students not required in school
Timings of the School Day
Lesson | Time |
Tutor | 08.30 - 09.15 |
Lesson 1 | 09.15 - 10.30 |
Break 1 | 10.30 - 11.00 |
Lesson 2 | 11.00 - 12.15 |
Lesson 3 | 12.15 - 13.30 |
Break 2 | 13.30 - 14.00 |
Lesson 4 | 14.00 - 15.15 |
Poltair+ | 15.15 - 16.15 |
Prepared to Learn
Basic equipment is necessary for the successful completion of work. In school, students must have the following items of equipment.
Pencil Case |
Pen |
Pencil |
Ruler |
Rubber |
Whiteboard (provided)
Whiteboard Pen (provided)
Scientific Calculator |
School Bag |
PE Kit |
Drinks Bottle |
Knowledge Organiser (provided) |
This is the minimum expectation for all students. All equipment can be sourced locally, at a reasonable cost. Equipment must be clearly labelled with your child’s name, to assist with the easy return of lost property.
Uniform (School and PE Kit)
School Uniform
The Poltair School grey blazer, with embroidered logo, is a mandatory item of uniform which must be worn everyday. Students may also wear the optional, grey, V-Neck jumper.
Essential uniform items:
- Plain white shirt
- Poltair red and white striped tie
- Poltair grey blazer
- Black trousers, a black pleated skirt or black tailored shorts
- Plain black socks
- Plain black formal shoes made from leather or leather-like material.
We will not accept:
- Any type of jean, chino, leggings, tight/skinny trousers or tracksuit style trousers.
- Trousers that do not reach the shoe line and display the ankle.
- Any type of coloured laces, high heels, canvas, coloured trim, suede material and trainers with logos or boots.
The Poltair blazer, tie and optional jumper can be purchased from the below suppliers:
School trousers, skirts, shorts and shirts are also available from the above suppliers but can be purchased elsewhere. Uniform must be clearly labelled with your child’s name.
PE Kit
Poltair PE Kit is required for all PE lessons and extra-curricular sporting activities. It is essential that students bring a complete change of clothes for PE in order to stay hygienic, this includes socks and footwear.
All students must wear the following items, which must be clearly labelled with the child’s name.
- Poltair red and grey reversible multi-sports PE Shirt.
- Plain black shorts, sports leggings or tracksuit bottoms.
- Either red and grey Poltair sports socks or plain black, long games socks.
- Sports trainers.
- Stud boots.
Advised items:
- Gum shield (Rugby)
- Shin pads (Football)
- Black base layer
- Sports drink bottle
- Drawstring kit bag / boot bag, labelled with student name
- Towel
Optional items:
- Black mid-layer with Poltair Logo
- Black quarter zip coat with Poltair logo.
Attendance Matters
At Poltair School we believe that all students benefit from outstanding school attendance.
We will do all we can to support our students and ensure they achieve the best attendance possible.
In order for attendance to be considered very good, a student must achieve 96% attendance or above.
We expect that all students will:
- Attend school regularly.
- Attend school punctually.
- Attend school appropriately prepared for the day.
If your child is going to be absent for any reason, please ensure you make the school aware before 8.00am on each day of absence. This can either be done via telephone (01726 874520) by leaving a message on the dedicated student absence mailbox (option 1 on the telephone system) or by emailing the Attendance and Engagement Officer via [email protected]
ParentPay & The Canteen
A secure, online service called ParentPay is used to pay for school meals, trips, instrumental lessons and more. ParentPay offers parents/carers the freedom to make payments whenever and wherever they like – safe in the knowledge that the technology used is of the highest security available.
Parents/carers will have a secure online account, activated using a unique username and password. If you have more than one child at our school, or children at other ParentPay schools, you can create a single account login for them all. Parents/carers will receive their unique ParentPay account activation details from the school.
Poltair School has a cashless catering system which provides a more efficient and faster service. Students will be given a 4-digit PIN or can instead register their thumbprint using the biometric system. Any amount of money can be added to students accounts via ParentPay. Any money spent will be deducted on a daily basis.
For further information please contact: [email protected]
Poltair School, in organisation with Chartwells, are committed to giving sustaining, tempting nourishing food for students. There are many nutritious feasts accessible from the school canteen.
The menu is consistent with the school food standards, and we urge students to enjoy a well-rounded, healthy diet. Chartwells can cater for the majority of dietary requirements.
ClassCharts is an online system which our teachers use to record achievement and behaviour throughout our students school life.
Class Charts is used to share information with parents about:
- Achievement Points
- Behaviour Points
- Attendance
- Homework
As a parent/carer you will be able to use ClassCharts to keep track of your child’s achievements, access behaviour reports, view assigned homework tasks.
Student Services
At Poltair School we are committed to ensuring that our students and staff are protected from abuse and harm. We believe it is the responsibility of everyone to ensure children are safeguarded from harm.
Our staff are committed to supporting the school community and receive regular training and updates to ensure they can keep all children safe.
To contact a member of the Safeguarding Team, please email [email protected]
We understand that the transition process to secondary school can cause some children to feel anxious. Our SEN team are here to offer support and to help make the transition experience a positive one. The SENDCo will liaise closely with primary schools to ensure the correct provision is in place for students in September.
To contact the Inclusion team, please email [email protected]
Our pastoral support includes guidance, advice and information to students and their families within our school community, helping with any worries or concerns that may arise in relation to your child’s education, attendance, behaviour and wellbeing. Our role includes liaising with staff, parents and outside agencies to ensure the wellbeing of individual students is fully supported.
Promoting positive mental health and supporting vulnerable children and young people is at the heart of our work. It is embedded in the culture and ethos of the school.
Our Well-Being Hub is located within our Student Services building and is a space which can be accessed at breaktimes by students and for targeted intervention work with the Pastoral Team.
Useful Information (A-Z)
If your child is unable to attend school for any reason, please contact the Attendance and Engagement Officer via phone or email to explain the reason for non-attendance: 01726 874520 (option 1 on the telephone system) / [email protected]
Please notify us if there are any changes to your address, telephone number or email address. This can be completed via the SIMS Parent App. All parents will receive an email invite to create an account once students have joined us.
It is important that we hold up-to-date contact details. We also operate a texting and emailing service to parents/carers with news and updates.
ClassCharts is an online system which our staff use to record achievements, attendance and behaviour throughout our students’ school life. As a parent/carer, you will be able to use ClassCharts to keep track of your child’s achievements, access behaviour reports and view assigned homework tasks. Again, log in details are shared when students join us.
Contacting Staff
Regular contact between home and school is essential to support students with their learning. If you wish to contact a member of staff, please telephone Reception on 01726 874520 or email [email protected]. Form tutors should be your first point of contact and details of these can be found on our website.
In Year 7, students will study a wide range of the KS3 National Curriculum and beyond, which will develop strong, knowledge-rich foundations. In Year 9, students personalise their timetable by choosing GCSE options.
Students will have a two-week timetable (Weeks A & B) to ensure all receive a balanced curriculum.
Entering and exiting Poltair School
All students should arrive to school via the East Block entrance. This gate opens at 8.10am and closes promptly at 8.28am. Students must be in tutor rooms by 8.30am. At the end of the school day, students must then leave the school site via the same point. If they are travelling via a dedicated school bus, these will wait outside the front of the school. If the bus has arrived, they can board straight away. Staff will be on duty to help students find their bus and tell them where to stand, if they are waiting.
Essential Equipment
We want students to have all the equipment they need to progress with learning and feel prepared. Every day students must bring their mandatory items of equipment. Additionally students will be issued a Knowledge Organiser and it is important this is kept in good condition and brought into school everyday.
First Aid and Medical Support
Qualified First Aiders are available throughout the school day for emergencies only. If students require ongoing medical support, the First Aid team will support. All staff at Poltair School are First Aid Trained.
Homework Guidelines
Home Learning is an essential part of students learning. It assists all students to consolidate and develop their knowledge in all the subjects they study whilst building confidence and resilience. Home Learning is set via ClassCharts.
Mobile devices
We want students to be able to learn and develop socially, without any distractions from mobile devices. Students are not allowed to use mobile phones at any time on school site. If students need to contact parents/carers, Pastoral Managers will be able to support this. If your child has a mobile phone then it must be turned off and put in their school bag before entering the school grounds.
Medical and Dental Appointments
Where possible, we advise that medical or dental appointments are made outside of school hours. If students need to attend an appointment during the day, please inform the Attendance and Engagement Officer prior to the appointment ([email protected]) and include evidence of the booked appointment.
We want everyone to feel safe, therefore we ask students to walk quietly and calmly along the corridors and between buildings. When moving around the school, students must follow the one way systems, where appropriate.
Progress Evenings
We have regular scheduled Progress Evenings to help the school and parents/carers work together to support students‘ learning. These include a 'Meet the Tutor' evening where parents/carers will be invited to address any initial specific concerns. Dates of these meetings will be provided in September as part of the school calendar for the year.
Personal items
Poltair School is not responsible for personal items brought onto the school site. If your child wishes to bring personal, expensive items into school, then students are responsible for the safe-keeping of these items.
Progress Reports
Students will be issued with progress reports twice across the school year. These reports give details about how students are progressing and engaging with learning in each subject. The report will also give improvement targets and ways to best support students to improve in each subject.